Wednesday 12 September 2007

الله أكبر Synopsis الله أكبر

Darwyn Al-Sayeed, a 30-year-old African-American undercover FBI agent who is also a practicing Muslim, is assigned to infiltrate a terrorist sleeper cell that is planning an attack in Los Angeles. The cell is run by a Muslim extremist named Faris al-Farik. Darwyn is supervised by FBI senior agent Ray Fuller, also a close friend who worries for Darwyn's safety.

After infiltrating the sleeper cell he comes across other muslims who have turned to terrorism either through lack of knowledge or manipulation.

Ilija Korjenić a Bosnian man who turned to terrorism after seeing his whole family killed, Faris was the only person to help him leave Bosnia so Illija feels indebted therefore joining the group.

Christian Aumont a french former skin head convert who was misguided by incorrect preachers.

Thomas "Tommy" Allen Emerson an all American boy who uses terrorism to release his anger.

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