Thursday 18 October 2007


Attainment: 3
Theres definetly room for improvement.

Effort: 2
I think i have put effort into the independent blog study and have put relevent stuff up and researched other texts to study, generally i do think i put effort into my work.

Punctuality: 3
I've missed a few lessons this term and need to catch up on the work missed.

Submission and quality of homework: 2
I think i've handed in all homework on time and i do put effort into it for it to be quality work.

Ability to work independently: 2
I can work independently i just need to stop myself from getting distracted.

Quality of writing:2

Organisation of media folder:1
I have all my sheets from both teachers in order and organised.

Oral contributions to class: 3
I could contribute more.

Standard of module 5 blog: 1
I do put effort into the blog and complete all the work.

Standard of module 6 blog: 1
i have kept up to date with all the tasks set.

1) independent study work, which i enjoy.
2) generally understanding and enjoying the course this year.

1) more media terminology in work.
2) more contribution in lessons.
3) more independent study.

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